2B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DATA-SFT-ZA-0-1--138CMS278942Saws228328Power ToolsPower Tools\DeWALT Power ToolsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353052743B7-186F-4302-8C4F-2DA7AA6B42090E34C780-4F4E-410C-B311-C0398718A962185F6E61-E96C-46FF-BD71-8CB2B74CEA7A19955A78-BADE-4B94-AD6B-7B29CCB4E8FD1F29E1D7-98C1-4650-9445-2CA0E5E74B6F28CB875A-2D76-4FFA-A6DE-07D938DCB74C31298B29-3C63-4E1B-A5B2-933371A0376347D22B54-1F38-4D76-A2B1-85F11248DE804A007002-E84E-44F7-9D89-292EE69AD6BD4A4A28B8-FA6C-4F65-8ABA-55E446C03906523589DF-5A78-44A1-BD09-0F5989DD261D669B1A3B-1299-4AA9-AEFE-B3C9EA3AA51F7A3E6E53-FC51-4192-B830-A259C003794998F51953-2952-4F14-9689-D394EDE605999A34F4C0-77C1-4CE3-BF2F-01B1CD3F14379A9DBAAC-42C9-4D1F-BF40-13754942AE39A495A0B7-6F7A-4834-BEF5-EC9B62EC07AAAE143EC2-696D-49D8-A5EE-D0323C94EEECC5B857A0-9CF6-4BE6-808C-58BA706FC6A6C7E14CC7-43FC-4DE0-BBD7-90AFE0BB7234CE72C91F-3C2F-45F5-B7F2-5B8054B1F405E19F9AA4-DB21-48F2-9D4A-A893F1F3B76FE40CB3FF-E6BD-40F8-8189-A531D3E1CB1EE53C62BF-A311-4855-8D29-78085880D65BE65B9277-BAEE-4E7E-B452-3BC9921B528AE86E8C5B-5F66-41A7-B731-69B879241235EF6C529D-E921-4A0E-89D8-CC321B66ECA4F24C33ED-0A69-46AF-9539-E61DF240C5A8Table Saw Rolling StandMitre Saw 216mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 62 mmDeWALT 54V FV Chainsaw BareJigsaw 701 Watt - T-HandleHand Held Wet Tile SawMitre Saw 216mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 62 mmJigsaw 500 Watt300mm 2000 Watt 507mm Radial Arm SawReciprocating Saw, Stroke: 28,6mm, 3000spmMitre Saw 250mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 85 mmTable Saw StandReciprocating Saw, Stroke: 28,6mm, 3000spmHeavy Duty Saw HorseJigsaw 701 Watt - Body Grip18V XR Circular Saw Bare Unit350mm 4000 Watt 525mm Radial Arm SawTable Saw 210mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 65mm, DOC at 45º: 45mmTable Saw 210mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 65mm, DOC at 45º: 45mm18V XR Jigsaw Bare Unit18V XR Compact Recip Saw Bare UnitCircular Saw 190mm, DOC at 90º: 67mm, DOC at 45º: 49mmTracked Circular Saw 190mm, DOC at 90º: 67mm, DOC at 45º: 49mm (no track)Tracked Circular Saw 190mm, DOC at 90º: 67mm, DOC at 45º: 49mm (no track)Portable Table Saw 610mm184mm Compact Circular SawHeavy Duty Reciprocating Saw Variable SpeedPrecision Plunge SawCircular Saw 190mm, DOC at 90º: 67mm, DOC at 45º: 49mmDE7400-XJDCS777T2-QWDCM575N-XJDW331K-QSDWC410-QSDCS777N-XJDW349-ZADW721KN-QSDCS388T2-QWDCS778T2-QWDE7450-XJDCS388N-XJDE7035-XJDW333K-QSDCS391N-XJDW729KN-XSDCS7485T2-QWDCS7485N-XJDCS331N-XJDCS387NT-XJDCS575T2-QWDCS576NT-XJDCS576T2-QWDW745-QSDWE560-ZADW311K-QSDWS520KR-QSDCS575NT-XJ9999999999999999999999999999999999919999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991999999999999999DE7400_1.jpgDCS777T2-QW.jpgDCM575N-XJ.jpgDW331K_1.jpgDWC410-QS.jpgDCS777N-XJ.jpgDW349.jpgDW721KN_1.jpgDCS88T2-QW.jpgDCS778T2_1.jpgDE7450_1.jpgDCS388N-XJ.jpgDE7035-XJ.jpgDW333K_2.jpgDCS391N-XJ.jpgDW729KN_1.jpgDCS7485T2_1.jpgDCS7485N_1.jpgDCS331N-XJ.jpgDCS387NT-XJ.jpgDCS575T2-QW.jpgDCS576NT-XJ_SML-650x650.jpgDCS576T2-QW.jpgDW745_1.jpgDWE560_4.jpgDW311K_1.jpgdws520kR.jpgDCS575NT-XJ.jpg6304.4230970.45651.0442382598.8717929.52194.6891283.221190.137491.64689.816329.33422.056519.693898.7112225527129.326080.33898.714927.5722819.711409.824450.714547.62788.166103.2211698.76329.37250.08356166498.74873.72988.7206192523.8810497624368.743115.45393.297278.73935.367497.654483.5114059331198.729992.34483.515666.726242.613121.328118.316729.73206.387018.713453.57278.7112022-03-2309:10:34:5102022-09-0410:10:01:33013B8F84612-07B7-4240-8A05-D82138E9ABBDDCS88T2-QW.jpgDCS88T2-QW.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images0.000.00Saws2669B1A3B-1299-4AA9-AEFE-B3C9EA3AA51FB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEReciprocating Saw, Stroke: 28,6mm, 3000spmDCS388N-XJ47278.799999.000054V XR FLEXVOLT, Power of Corded
Intelligent variable speed trigger & lock-off switch
Two-position blade clamp allows for flush cutting and increased versatility
Lever action keyless blade clamp for quick and easy blade change
Pivoting shoe with open top for high stability and blade visibility during a cut
LED for clear illumination cutline
Improved ergonomic design
Pivoting shoe with open top for high stability and blade visibility during a cut
Improved ergonomic design
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS388N-XJ.jpgDCS388N-XJ.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images6329.30brand-dewalt.png
24A007002-E84E-44F7-9D89-292EE69AD6BDB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEReciprocating Saw, Stroke: 28,6mm, 3000spmDCS388T2-QW424368.651.0000Tool free 2P blade clamp with Tool free blade changeLow vibration crank type gearbox giving class leading 14m/s²LED work light increased visibilityTwo-position blade clamp allows for flush cutting and increased versatility.Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS88T2-QW.jpgDCS88T2-QW.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images21190.130brand-dewalt.png 2F24C33ED-0A69-46AF-9539-E61DF240C5A8B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDECircular Saw 190mm, DOC at 90º: 67mm, DOC at 45º: 49mmDCS575NT-XJ47278.799999.0000High torque motor for durability and power for cutting job site and joinery materials
General purpose ripping, cross-cutting and bevelling circular saw for wood and other construction materials
Variable adjustment of the bevel angle to 57 degrees
Scale for precise cutting depth setting to 67 mm
Optimum balance for safe, fatigue-free operation
Stable block construction for low vibration running and long service life
Additional handle for safe two-handed work
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS575NT-XJ.jpgDCS575NT-XJ.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images6329.30brand-dewalt.png
2CE72C91F-3C2F-45F5-B7F2-5B8054B1F405B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDECircular Saw 190mm, DOC at 90º: 67mm, DOC at 45º: 49mmDCS575T2-QW426242.6399999.0000Scale for precise cutting depth setting to 67 mm
General purpose ripping, cross-cutting and bevelling
circular saw for wood and other construction materials
High torque motor for durability and power for cutting job
site and joinery materials
Stable block construction for low vibration running and
long service life
Additional handle for safe two-handed work
Variable adjustment of the bevel angle to 57 degrees
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS575T2-QW.jpgDCS575T2-QW.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images22819.680brand-dewalt.png
2E19F9AA4-DB21-48F2-9D4A-A893F1F3B76FB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDETracked Circular Saw 190mm, DOC at 90º: 67mm, DOC at 45º: 49mm (no track)DCS576NT-XJ413121.3299999.0000The DCS575 has a high torque brushless motor and runs on the Worlds first 18/54V convertible battery pack system, giving the ability to cut for 90 metres in 18mm OSB board. Dewalt now gives you raw power anywhere and the dawn of a new era in cordless power tool technology. This provides in excess of a full day’s runtime on a single charge for most users. The potential for this technology is limitless for each and every trade with game changing levels of performance. The DCS575 is fitted with a 190mm x 30mm 24 tooth blade just like a corded saw and has a LED joblight to assist with improved cut line visibility.


Scale for precise cutting depth setting to 67 mm
General purpose ripping, cross-cutting and bevelling circular saw for wood and other construction materials
High torque motor for durability and power for cutting job site and joinery materials
Stable block construction for low vibration running and long service life
Additional handle for safe two-handed work
Variable adjustment of the bevel angle to 57 degrees
Output of 1300W and run speed of up to 5800RPM results in faster cuts
Airlock compatibility for superior dust management
On board tool and quick bevel adjustment minimises downtime
LED illumination, cutaway guard and dust blower ensure excellent cut visibility
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS576NT-XJ_SML-650x650.jpgDCS576NT-XJ_SML-650x650.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images11409.840brand-dewalt.png
2AE143EC2-696D-49D8-A5EE-D0323C94EEECB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDETable Saw 210mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 65mm, DOC at 45º: 45mmDCS7485N-XJ429992.3299999.000022kg unit weight and optimised footprint make this the most portable saw in its class
Steel roll cage protects saw against jobsite drops and impacts
Rack and pinion fence system, front and rear fence lock and large, clear scales combine to give an extremely accurate and easy to use saw
Powerful Brushless 54V motor for high performance in all applications
Fence system provides 610 mm of rip capacity in a portable design for cutting large sheet materials to size
Cast table top design ensures accuracy and precision
Overload protection system ensures powerful performance in hard, wet or frozen woods
Quick bevel lock with large scale for easy, accurate adjustments
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS7485N_1.jpgDCS7485N_1.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images26080.280brand-dewalt.png
2A495A0B7-6F7A-4834-BEF5-EC9B62EC07AAB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDETable Saw 210mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 65mm, DOC at 45º: 45mmDCS7485T2-QW431198.799999.000022kg unit weight and optimised footprint make this the most portable saw in its class
Steel roll cage protects saw against jobsite drops and impacts
Rack and pinion fence system, front and rear fence lock and large, clear scales combine to give an extremely accurate and easy to use saw
Powerful Brushless 54V motor for high performance in all applications
Fence system provides 610 mm of rip capacity in a portable design for cutting large sheet materials to size
Cast table top design ensures accuracy and precision
Overload protection system ensures powerful performance in hard, wet or frozen woods
Quick bevel lock with large scale for easy, accurate adjustments
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS7485T2_1.jpgDCS7485T2_1.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images27129.30brand-dewalt.png
228CB875A-2D76-4FFA-A6DE-07D938DCB74CB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEMitre Saw 216mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 62 mmDCS777N-XJ420618.9799999.0000XPS Shadow line cut indicator provides fast accurate alignment of the blade while illuminating the work piece for increased productivity
54V motor provides power and runtime for demanding construction applications
Built on classic pull saw design improved and updated for the modern user
Compact internal rail design for huge cutting capacity in a highly transportable format
New head lock function allows the head to be fixed, restricting the traverse function for trim applications and ease of transportation
The base and fence have been machined to meet the accuracy requirements of the most demanding applications
Sliding left hand fence with measuring scale for improved material support and management
Dust extraction specifically designed to meet the needs of the professional user in heavy use applications, protection from airborn dust particles minimises health risk over long periods
Integrated positive mitre stops at 15°, 22.5°, 30°, 45°, quick release mitre mechanism up to 50°
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS777N-XJ.jpgDCS777N-XJ.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images17929.540brand-dewalt.png
20E34C780-4F4E-410C-B311-C0398718A962B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEMitre Saw 216mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 62 mmDCS777T2-QW435615.9899999.0000The classic saw design improved and updated for the modern cordless user
XPS Shadow line cut indicator provides fast accurate alignment of the blade while illuminating the work piece for increased productivity no adjustment required
Improved dust extraction efficiency
The base and fence have been machined to meet the accuracy requirements of the most demanding applications
Head lock function allows the head to be fixed, restricting the traverse function for trim applications and ease of transportation
Integrated positive mitre stops at 15°, 22.5°, 30°, 45°, quick release mitre mechanism up to 50°
Sliding left hand fence with measuring scale for improved material support and management
Compact internal rail design for huge cutting capacity in a highly transportable format
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS777T2-QW.jpgDCS777T2-QW.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images30970.420brand-dewalt.png
24A4A28B8-FA6C-4F65-8ABA-55E446C03906B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEMitre Saw 250mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 85 mmDCS778T2-QW443115.3599999.0000Electronic speed control for adjusting cutting speed when cutting materials other than wood
2x 54V motor provides power and runtime for demanding construction applications
Power adapter allows connection to main power supply
Outstanding cutting performance in both small profiles and large construction timbers up to 110 x 303 mm
Heavy duty durability with the ability to fully adjust your machine to maintain accuracy over the life of the tool.
Long life Accuracy in Table and Fence Design
Easy to use mitre and bevel controls making the tool fast and simple to change from one set up to another
Cam action mitre lock function makes mitre setting faster and easier allowing the user to quickly adjust angles between 0° - 50° left and 0° - 60° right
Compact and lightweight design characteristics deliver a saw with enormous capacity which is easy to transport around the jobsite
XPS Shadow line cut indicator provides fast accurate alignment of the blade while illuminating the work piece for increased productivity no adjustment required
New quick release bevel stop setting provides accurate and simple setting of bevel angles up to 49° left and right
The innovative grooving stop allows the adjustment of the cutting depth for grooving and rebating applications
Linear horizontal rails utilise bronze guides to provide maximum precision when cutting materials up to 345 mm wide
Outstanding dust control and deflection away from cutting area
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS778T2_1.jpgDCS778T2_1.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images37491.610brand-dewalt.png
29A34F4C0-77C1-4CE3-BF2F-01B1CD3F1437B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDE18V XR Circular Saw Bare UnitDCS391N-XJ44483.5199999.0000Ultra thin kerf 165 mm, 24 tooth carbide-tipped blade allows for efficient run time and fast, smooth cut finish at maximum 55 mm depth of cut
Improved ergonomic design and rubber grip increase comfort
Keyless bevel angle and depth of cut adjustment with easy to read scale for maximum cordless versatility
Spindle lock for quick and easy blade change
Ergonomic handle set with rubber overmould to optimise end user comfort
Intelligent trigger allowing total control over all applications
Lock off switch and electronic motor brake for additional control and work safety
Extremely durable tool design, including a cast magnesium base for repetitive, accurate cuts
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS391N-XJ.jpgDCS391N-XJ.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images3898.710brand-dewalt.png
2C7E14CC7-43FC-4DE0-BBD7-90AFE0BB7234B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDE18V XR Compact Recip Saw Bare UnitDCS387NT-XJ45666.799999.0000Compact saw allows better access to hard to reach cutsImproved balance and ease of handling due to central motor positionFour position blade clamp allows for flush cutting and improved versatilityLever action keyless blade clamp for tool-free blade changeLED for improved visibility of cutPower Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS387NT-XJ.jpgDCS387NT-XJ.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images4927.570brand-dewalt.png 2C5B857A0-9CF6-4BE6-808C-58BA706FC6A6B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDE18V XR Jigsaw Bare UnitDCS331N-XJ44483.5199999.0000Dust blower keeps line of cut clear of dust and debris
Modular component design for trouble free servicing
Improved ergonomic design
Patented anti-vibration counter-balance mechanism and rubber grip providing a smooth operation
Powerful & Highly efficient DEWALT PM47 fan-cooled motor with replaceable brushes. delivers fast cutting action up to 3000 strokes per minute maximising user productivity
Quick and easy patented keyless blade change system, accepts T-shank blades
Tool-free adjustable shoe with anti-scratch cover bevels 45 degrees in both directions
3-position pendulum action controls the aggressiveness or smoothness of cuts
Latest generation premium Jigsaw featuring new XR Lithium Ion Technology
Rubber coated grip to reduce surface vibration and user fatigue
Intelligent variable speed trigger & lock-off switch for quick controlled cuts and enhanced work safety
Part of the intelligent XR Lithium Ion Series designed for efficiency and making applications faster
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS331N-XJ.jpgDCS331N-XJ.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images3898.710brand-dewalt.png
2E65B9277-BAEE-4E7E-B452-3BC9921B528AB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDE184mm Compact Circular SawDWE560-ZA43206.381.0000Compact, Lightweight, Easy to use circular saw with 65mm depth of cutHigh power 1350W motor gives increased cutting performanceCutaway inner guard gives improved line of sight to cutting lineDust blower clears dust and debris from cut lineEfficient dust extraction port to minimise airborne dust particles when connected to a dust extraction unitDirect compatability with DEWALT AirLock system for easy, secure connection to extraction hosePower Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DWE560_4.jpgDWE560_4.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images2788.160brand-dewalt.png 2EF6C529D-E921-4A0E-89D8-CC321B66ECA4B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEPrecision Plunge SawDWS520KR-QS413453.599999.0000A 48 tooth blade gives a fine and accurate finish with very little breakout in laminates
The anti kickback function stops the saw from moving backwards along the rail and helps stop the saw from climbing out of the work piece when making plunge cuts
Parallel plunge allows the user to maintain a smooth and constant hand position while cutting
Variable speed allows the correct speed to be set for different types of materials
1.5m Guide rail included in the kit
Rail adjustment allows the saw to be adjusted accurately to the rail
Full wave electronics maintains a constant speed under heavy load
The enclosed guard gives a 90% dust extraction capability
55mm depth of cut allows the trimming and sizing of most common door sizes
Direct compatability with DEWALT AirLock system for easy, secure connection to extraction hose
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353dws520kR.jpgdws520kR.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images11698.70brand-dewalt.png
231298B29-3C63-4E1B-A5B2-933371A03763B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEJigsaw 500 WattDW349-ZA42523.88Compact, ergonomic, design gives user comfort and versatility in use550 Watt motor with large power reserves gives performance and durabilityKeyless blade change with patented anti-deflection clamp design for ease of use and accuracyVariable speed dial and trigger allows controlled cutting in all materialsAdjustable pendulum action gives increased cutting performance and longer saw blade lifeIntegrated sawdust blower gives a clear view of the cutting areaShoe bevels 45° to both left and right with presets at 0° and 45° for precise bevelled cutsLow profile dust extraction shield with bi-directional vacuum spout for clean, efficient cutting performanceHeavy gauge steel shoe with anti-scratch coating and detachable anti-scratch shoeCan be used with a parallel guide or circular guide for accurate shape cuttingCompatible with DEWALT flush cutting blade, DT2074 for cutting flush to an edgePower Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DW349.jpgDW349.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images2194.680brand-dewalt.png 219955A78-BADE-4B94-AD6B-7B29CCB4E8FDB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEJigsaw 701 Watt - T-HandleDW331K-QS44873.799999.0000Quick and easy patented keyless blade change system accepts T- shank blades
Tool free adjustable shoe with anti scratch cover bevels to 45 degrees in both directions
4-position pendulum action controls the aggressiveness or smoothness of cuts
Powerful 701 Watt motor with variable speed delivers fast cutting action up to 3100 strokes per minute
Switchable dust blower keeps line of cut clear of chips
Tapered saw blade roller to control blade deflection at maximum depth of cut
Full wave electronic speed control with feedback ensures that blade speed is maintained under any load for a consistent finish across all materials
Soft start ensures accuracy at cut start
Modular component design for trouble free servicing
Compatible with DEWALT flush cutting blade DT2074, for cutting flush to an edge
Patented anti-vibration counterbalance mechanism and rubber grip provide smooth operation
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DW331K_1.jpgDW331K_1.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images42380brand-dewalt.png
298F51953-2952-4F14-9689-D394EDE60599B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEJigsaw 701 Watt - Body GripDW333K-QS47497.6599999.0000Compatible with DEWALT flush cutting blade, DT2074 for cutting flush to an edge
Switchable dust blower keeps line of cut clear of chips
4-position pendulum action controls the aggressiveness or smoothness of cuts
Tapered saw blade roller to control blade deflection at maximum depth of cut
Quick and easy patented keyless blade system accepts T - shank blades
Patented anti-vibration counter-balance mechanism and rubber grip provide smooth operation
Soft start ensures accuracy at cut start
Powerful 701 Watt motor with variable speed delivers fast cutting action up to 3100 strokes per minute
Modular component design for trouble free servicing
Full wave electronic speed control with feedback ensures that blade speed is maintained under any load for a consistent finish across all materials
Tool free adjustable shoe with anti scratch cover bevels to 45 degrees in both directions
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DW333K_2.jpgDW333K_2.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images6519.690brand-dewalt.png
2E86E8C5B-5F66-41A7-B731-69B879241235B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEHeavy Duty Reciprocating Saw Variable SpeedDW311K-QS47018.799999.0000Keyless stainless steel blade clamp for quick and easy blade changes and increased reliability
0-2,600 SPM and 28 mm stroke length for fast and efficient cutting
1200 Watt motor delivers increased power for heavy duty applications
Orbital action delivers fast cutting in wood applications
Keyless adjustable shoe easily adjusts depth of cut and extends the blade life
Variable speed control dial matches the correct speed for the application for increased versatility and control
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DW311K_1.jpgDW311K_1.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images6103.220brand-dewalt.png
21F29E1D7-98C1-4650-9445-2CA0E5E74B6FB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEHand Held Wet Tile SawDWC410-QS42988.799999.0000Quick release for both bevel and depth adjustments minimising down time
Easily accessible brushes for quick and easy servicing
Water line and adjustable nozzle feeds water to the blade decreasing dust and increasing blade performance and life
Bevels to 45 degrees for quick angled cuts
Lock-on button reduces fatigue during production cuts
Height adjustable shoe allows user to cut at various depths
Premium 110 mm diameter continuous rim blade allows the user to cut a variety of different materials from ceramics to concrete up to 34 mm deep - wet or dry
1300 W motor delivers the cutting power to cut through granite, porcelain, concrete and other stone materials
Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DWC410-QS.jpgDWC410-QS.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images2598.870brand-dewalt.png
27A3E6E53-FC51-4192-B830-A259C0037949B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEHeavy Duty Saw HorseDE7035-XJ43935.3699999.0000Outstanding size and weight only 7kgs for easy transportation
Versatile and durable under load
Portable and easy to carry to site
Easy to use when setting up and packing away
Easy to store and move as pairs
Application versatility for Material support and storage and also use with mitre Saws and plunge saws
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2E53C62BF-A311-4855-8D29-78085880D65BB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEPortable Table Saw 610mmDW745-QS416729.7199999.0000Cast table top design ensures accuracy and precision
Quick bevel lock with large scale for easy, accurate adjustments.
Overload protection system ensures powerful performance in hard, wet or frozen woods
Powerful 1850 Watt motor for high performance in all applications (1300 Watts 110 version for UK Only)
Rack and pinion fence system, front and rear fence lock and large, clear scales combine to give an extremely accurate and easy to use saw
22kg unit weight and optimised footprint make this the most portable saw in its class
Steel roll cage protects saw against jobsite drops and impacts
Fence system provides 610 mm of rip capacity in a portable design for cutting large sheet materials to size
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2052743B7-186F-4302-8C4F-2DA7AA6B4209B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDETable Saw Rolling StandDE7400-XJ47250.0899999.0000Stand design allows portability when the table saw is attached to the stand which increases productivity
Lightweight aluminium construction which improves the portability
Heavy-Duty kick stand allows the stand to balance upright for mobility and storage
Folding legs with quick release levers which retract under the stand in a few seconds for easy and quick transport
Large Heavy-Duty wheels designed to easily roll over steps, kerbs, and jobsite debris
Retractable soft grip handle slides out allowing the user to pull the saw behind him comfortably
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2523589DF-5A78-44A1-BD09-0F5989DD261DB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDETable Saw StandDE7450-XJ45393.2999999.0000Collapsible format and detachable legs for easy transportation
Detachable leg extensions for different saw heights
Stand for DW745
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247D22B54-1F38-4D76-A2B1-85F11248DE80B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDE300mm 2000 Watt 507mm Radial Arm SawDW721KN-QS4104975.6899999.0000Free standing radial arm saw with 507mm of crosscut capacity and 90 mm depth of cut
Standard equipment includes large Dust Shroud with 4" outlet
Solid cast Iron arm and four roller bearings in the motor head assembly ensure high accuracy and durability
Simple yet positive controls and adjustment scales enable the width, depth and angle of cut to be set with accuracy in seconds
Quiet maintenance free induction motor delivers high power even at the maximum cutting capacities of the machine. Also available in three phase voltage as a DW722KN
Strengthened column assembly and base arrangement supports the extra arm length
Pre-assembled and adjusted, delivered in a wooden crate for maximum transportation protection
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2185F6E61-E96C-46FF-BD71-8CB2B74CEA7AB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEDeWALT 54V FV Chainsaw BareDCM575N-XJ46498.799999.000040cm Bar and Chain
High efficiency Brushless Motor, delivers up to (65) 6x6” cuts per charge on a 18/54V 3Ah/9Ah battery
Automatic oiling for reduced maintenance
Tool free bar fitment and chain tensioning for fast chain adjustments
Variable speed trigger so no pull starting is required together with improved control during cutting
Chain Speed of 15 m/s
Extensive overmould handle for extra grip and comfort in prolonged use
Supplied as a bare unit (Battery & Charger not included)
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2669B1A3B-1299-4AA9-AEFE-B3C9EA3AA51FB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEReciprocating Saw, Stroke: 28,6mm, 3000spmDCS388N-XJ47278.799999.000054V XR FLEXVOLT, Power of Corded
Intelligent variable speed trigger & lock-off switch
Two-position blade clamp allows for flush cutting and increased versatility
Lever action keyless blade clamp for quick and easy blade change
Pivoting shoe with open top for high stability and blade visibility during a cut
LED for clear illumination cutline
Improved ergonomic design
Pivoting shoe with open top for high stability and blade visibility during a cut
Improved ergonomic design
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DCS388N-XJ Reciprocating Saw, Stroke: 28,6mm, 3000spm

24A007002-E84E-44F7-9D89-292EE69AD6BDB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEReciprocating Saw, Stroke: 28,6mm, 3000spmDCS388T2-QW424368.651.0000Tool free 2P blade clamp with Tool free blade changeLow vibration crank type gearbox giving class leading 14m/s²LED work light increased visibilityTwo-position blade clamp allows for flush cutting and increased versatility.Power Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS88T2-QW.jpgDCS88T2-QW.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images21190.130brand-dewalt.png

DCS388T2-QW Reciprocating Saw, Stroke: 28,6mm, 3000spm

2F24C33ED-0A69-46AF-9539-E61DF240C5A8B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDECircular Saw 190mm, DOC at 90º: 67mm, DOC at 45º: 49mmDCS575NT-XJ47278.799999.0000High torque motor for durability and power for cutting job site and joinery materials
General purpose ripping, cross-cutting and bevelling circular saw for wood and other construction materials
Variable adjustment of the bevel angle to 57 degrees
Scale for precise cutting depth setting to 67 mm
Optimum balance for safe, fatigue-free operation
Stable block construction for low vibration running and long service life
Additional handle for safe two-handed work
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DCS575NT-XJ Circular Saw 190mm, DOC at 90º: 67mm, DOC at 45º: 49mm

2CE72C91F-3C2F-45F5-B7F2-5B8054B1F405B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDECircular Saw 190mm, DOC at 90º: 67mm, DOC at 45º: 49mmDCS575T2-QW426242.6399999.0000Scale for precise cutting depth setting to 67 mm
General purpose ripping, cross-cutting and bevelling
circular saw for wood and other construction materials
High torque motor for durability and power for cutting job
site and joinery materials
Stable block construction for low vibration running and
long service life
Additional handle for safe two-handed work
Variable adjustment of the bevel angle to 57 degrees
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DCS575T2-QW Circular Saw 190mm, DOC at 90º: 67mm, DOC at 45º: 49mm

2E19F9AA4-DB21-48F2-9D4A-A893F1F3B76FB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDETracked Circular Saw 190mm, DOC at 90º: 67mm, DOC at 45º: 49mm (no track)DCS576NT-XJ413121.3299999.0000The DCS575 has a high torque brushless motor and runs on the Worlds first 18/54V convertible battery pack system, giving the ability to cut for 90 metres in 18mm OSB board. Dewalt now gives you raw power anywhere and the dawn of a new era in cordless power tool technology. This provides in excess of a full day’s runtime on a single charge for most users. The potential for this technology is limitless for each and every trade with game changing levels of performance. The DCS575 is fitted with a 190mm x 30mm 24 tooth blade just like a corded saw and has a LED joblight to assist with improved cut line visibility.


Scale for precise cutting depth setting to 67 mm
General purpose ripping, cross-cutting and bevelling circular saw for wood and other construction materials
High torque motor for durability and power for cutting job site and joinery materials
Stable block construction for low vibration running and long service life
Additional handle for safe two-handed work
Variable adjustment of the bevel angle to 57 degrees
Output of 1300W and run speed of up to 5800RPM results in faster cuts
Airlock compatibility for superior dust management
On board tool and quick bevel adjustment minimises downtime
LED illumination, cutaway guard and dust blower ensure excellent cut visibility
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DCS576NT-XJ Tracked Circular Saw 190mm, DOC at 90º: 67mm, DOC at 45º: 49mm (no track)

2AE143EC2-696D-49D8-A5EE-D0323C94EEECB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDETable Saw 210mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 65mm, DOC at 45º: 45mmDCS7485N-XJ429992.3299999.000022kg unit weight and optimised footprint make this the most portable saw in its class
Steel roll cage protects saw against jobsite drops and impacts
Rack and pinion fence system, front and rear fence lock and large, clear scales combine to give an extremely accurate and easy to use saw
Powerful Brushless 54V motor for high performance in all applications
Fence system provides 610 mm of rip capacity in a portable design for cutting large sheet materials to size
Cast table top design ensures accuracy and precision
Overload protection system ensures powerful performance in hard, wet or frozen woods
Quick bevel lock with large scale for easy, accurate adjustments
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DCS7485N-XJ Table Saw 210mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 65mm, DOC at 45º: 45mm

2A495A0B7-6F7A-4834-BEF5-EC9B62EC07AAB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDETable Saw 210mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 65mm, DOC at 45º: 45mmDCS7485T2-QW431198.799999.000022kg unit weight and optimised footprint make this the most portable saw in its class
Steel roll cage protects saw against jobsite drops and impacts
Rack and pinion fence system, front and rear fence lock and large, clear scales combine to give an extremely accurate and easy to use saw
Powerful Brushless 54V motor for high performance in all applications
Fence system provides 610 mm of rip capacity in a portable design for cutting large sheet materials to size
Cast table top design ensures accuracy and precision
Overload protection system ensures powerful performance in hard, wet or frozen woods
Quick bevel lock with large scale for easy, accurate adjustments
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DCS7485T2-QW Table Saw 210mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 65mm, DOC at 45º: 45mm

228CB875A-2D76-4FFA-A6DE-07D938DCB74CB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEMitre Saw 216mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 62 mmDCS777N-XJ420618.9799999.0000XPS Shadow line cut indicator provides fast accurate alignment of the blade while illuminating the work piece for increased productivity
54V motor provides power and runtime for demanding construction applications
Built on classic pull saw design improved and updated for the modern user
Compact internal rail design for huge cutting capacity in a highly transportable format
New head lock function allows the head to be fixed, restricting the traverse function for trim applications and ease of transportation
The base and fence have been machined to meet the accuracy requirements of the most demanding applications
Sliding left hand fence with measuring scale for improved material support and management
Dust extraction specifically designed to meet the needs of the professional user in heavy use applications, protection from airborn dust particles minimises health risk over long periods
Integrated positive mitre stops at 15°, 22.5°, 30°, 45°, quick release mitre mechanism up to 50°
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DCS777N-XJ Mitre Saw 216mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 62 mm

20E34C780-4F4E-410C-B311-C0398718A962B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEMitre Saw 216mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 62 mmDCS777T2-QW435615.9899999.0000The classic saw design improved and updated for the modern cordless user
XPS Shadow line cut indicator provides fast accurate alignment of the blade while illuminating the work piece for increased productivity no adjustment required
Improved dust extraction efficiency
The base and fence have been machined to meet the accuracy requirements of the most demanding applications
Head lock function allows the head to be fixed, restricting the traverse function for trim applications and ease of transportation
Integrated positive mitre stops at 15°, 22.5°, 30°, 45°, quick release mitre mechanism up to 50°
Sliding left hand fence with measuring scale for improved material support and management
Compact internal rail design for huge cutting capacity in a highly transportable format
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DCS777T2-QW Mitre Saw 216mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 62 mm

24A4A28B8-FA6C-4F65-8ABA-55E446C03906B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEMitre Saw 250mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 85 mmDCS778T2-QW443115.3599999.0000Electronic speed control for adjusting cutting speed when cutting materials other than wood
2x 54V motor provides power and runtime for demanding construction applications
Power adapter allows connection to main power supply
Outstanding cutting performance in both small profiles and large construction timbers up to 110 x 303 mm
Heavy duty durability with the ability to fully adjust your machine to maintain accuracy over the life of the tool.
Long life Accuracy in Table and Fence Design
Easy to use mitre and bevel controls making the tool fast and simple to change from one set up to another
Cam action mitre lock function makes mitre setting faster and easier allowing the user to quickly adjust angles between 0° - 50° left and 0° - 60° right
Compact and lightweight design characteristics deliver a saw with enormous capacity which is easy to transport around the jobsite
XPS Shadow line cut indicator provides fast accurate alignment of the blade while illuminating the work piece for increased productivity no adjustment required
New quick release bevel stop setting provides accurate and simple setting of bevel angles up to 49° left and right
The innovative grooving stop allows the adjustment of the cutting depth for grooving and rebating applications
Linear horizontal rails utilise bronze guides to provide maximum precision when cutting materials up to 345 mm wide
Outstanding dust control and deflection away from cutting area
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DCS778T2-QW Mitre Saw 250mm Blade, DOC at 90º: 85 mm

29A34F4C0-77C1-4CE3-BF2F-01B1CD3F1437B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDE18V XR Circular Saw Bare UnitDCS391N-XJ44483.5199999.0000Ultra thin kerf 165 mm, 24 tooth carbide-tipped blade allows for efficient run time and fast, smooth cut finish at maximum 55 mm depth of cut
Improved ergonomic design and rubber grip increase comfort
Keyless bevel angle and depth of cut adjustment with easy to read scale for maximum cordless versatility
Spindle lock for quick and easy blade change
Ergonomic handle set with rubber overmould to optimise end user comfort
Intelligent trigger allowing total control over all applications
Lock off switch and electronic motor brake for additional control and work safety
Extremely durable tool design, including a cast magnesium base for repetitive, accurate cuts
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DCS391N-XJ 18V XR Circular Saw Bare Unit

2C7E14CC7-43FC-4DE0-BBD7-90AFE0BB7234B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDE18V XR Compact Recip Saw Bare UnitDCS387NT-XJ45666.799999.0000Compact saw allows better access to hard to reach cutsImproved balance and ease of handling due to central motor positionFour position blade clamp allows for flush cutting and improved versatilityLever action keyless blade clamp for tool-free blade changeLED for improved visibility of cutPower Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DCS387NT-XJ.jpgDCS387NT-XJ.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images4927.570brand-dewalt.png

DCS387NT-XJ 18V XR Compact Recip Saw Bare Unit

2C5B857A0-9CF6-4BE6-808C-58BA706FC6A6B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDE18V XR Jigsaw Bare UnitDCS331N-XJ44483.5199999.0000Dust blower keeps line of cut clear of dust and debris
Modular component design for trouble free servicing
Improved ergonomic design
Patented anti-vibration counter-balance mechanism and rubber grip providing a smooth operation
Powerful & Highly efficient DEWALT PM47 fan-cooled motor with replaceable brushes. delivers fast cutting action up to 3000 strokes per minute maximising user productivity
Quick and easy patented keyless blade change system, accepts T-shank blades
Tool-free adjustable shoe with anti-scratch cover bevels 45 degrees in both directions
3-position pendulum action controls the aggressiveness or smoothness of cuts
Latest generation premium Jigsaw featuring new XR Lithium Ion Technology
Rubber coated grip to reduce surface vibration and user fatigue
Intelligent variable speed trigger & lock-off switch for quick controlled cuts and enhanced work safety
Part of the intelligent XR Lithium Ion Series designed for efficiency and making applications faster
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DCS331N-XJ 18V XR Jigsaw Bare Unit

2E65B9277-BAEE-4E7E-B452-3BC9921B528AB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDE184mm Compact Circular SawDWE560-ZA43206.381.0000Compact, Lightweight, Easy to use circular saw with 65mm depth of cutHigh power 1350W motor gives increased cutting performanceCutaway inner guard gives improved line of sight to cutting lineDust blower clears dust and debris from cut lineEfficient dust extraction port to minimise airborne dust particles when connected to a dust extraction unitDirect compatability with DEWALT AirLock system for easy, secure connection to extraction hosePower Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DWE560_4.jpgDWE560_4.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images2788.160brand-dewalt.png

DWE560-ZA 184mm Compact Circular Saw

2EF6C529D-E921-4A0E-89D8-CC321B66ECA4B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEPrecision Plunge SawDWS520KR-QS413453.599999.0000A 48 tooth blade gives a fine and accurate finish with very little breakout in laminates
The anti kickback function stops the saw from moving backwards along the rail and helps stop the saw from climbing out of the work piece when making plunge cuts
Parallel plunge allows the user to maintain a smooth and constant hand position while cutting
Variable speed allows the correct speed to be set for different types of materials
1.5m Guide rail included in the kit
Rail adjustment allows the saw to be adjusted accurately to the rail
Full wave electronics maintains a constant speed under heavy load
The enclosed guard gives a 90% dust extraction capability
55mm depth of cut allows the trimming and sizing of most common door sizes
Direct compatability with DEWALT AirLock system for easy, secure connection to extraction hose
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DWS520KR-QS Precision Plunge Saw

231298B29-3C63-4E1B-A5B2-933371A03763B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEJigsaw 500 WattDW349-ZA42523.88Compact, ergonomic, design gives user comfort and versatility in use550 Watt motor with large power reserves gives performance and durabilityKeyless blade change with patented anti-deflection clamp design for ease of use and accuracyVariable speed dial and trigger allows controlled cutting in all materialsAdjustable pendulum action gives increased cutting performance and longer saw blade lifeIntegrated sawdust blower gives a clear view of the cutting areaShoe bevels 45° to both left and right with presets at 0° and 45° for precise bevelled cutsLow profile dust extraction shield with bi-directional vacuum spout for clean, efficient cutting performanceHeavy gauge steel shoe with anti-scratch coating and detachable anti-scratch shoeCan be used with a parallel guide or circular guide for accurate shape cuttingCompatible with DEWALT flush cutting blade, DT2074 for cutting flush to an edgePower Tools\DeWALT Power Tools\SawsED56DFBE-520E-4B55-9990-C0017BFDC353DW349.jpgDW349.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\ThreeD\Catalogue\images2194.680brand-dewalt.png

DW349-ZA Jigsaw 500 Watt

219955A78-BADE-4B94-AD6B-7B29CCB4E8FDB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEJigsaw 701 Watt - T-HandleDW331K-QS44873.799999.0000Quick and easy patented keyless blade change system accepts T- shank blades
Tool free adjustable shoe with anti scratch cover bevels to 45 degrees in both directions
4-position pendulum action controls the aggressiveness or smoothness of cuts
Powerful 701 Watt motor with variable speed delivers fast cutting action up to 3100 strokes per minute
Switchable dust blower keeps line of cut clear of chips
Tapered saw blade roller to control blade deflection at maximum depth of cut
Full wave electronic speed control with feedback ensures that blade speed is maintained under any load for a consistent finish across all materials
Soft start ensures accuracy at cut start
Modular component design for trouble free servicing
Compatible with DEWALT flush cutting blade DT2074, for cutting flush to an edge
Patented anti-vibration counterbalance mechanism and rubber grip provide smooth operation
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DW331K-QS Jigsaw 701 Watt - T-Handle

298F51953-2952-4F14-9689-D394EDE60599B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEJigsaw 701 Watt - Body GripDW333K-QS47497.6599999.0000Compatible with DEWALT flush cutting blade, DT2074 for cutting flush to an edge
Switchable dust blower keeps line of cut clear of chips
4-position pendulum action controls the aggressiveness or smoothness of cuts
Tapered saw blade roller to control blade deflection at maximum depth of cut
Quick and easy patented keyless blade system accepts T - shank blades
Patented anti-vibration counter-balance mechanism and rubber grip provide smooth operation
Soft start ensures accuracy at cut start
Powerful 701 Watt motor with variable speed delivers fast cutting action up to 3100 strokes per minute
Modular component design for trouble free servicing
Full wave electronic speed control with feedback ensures that blade speed is maintained under any load for a consistent finish across all materials
Tool free adjustable shoe with anti scratch cover bevels to 45 degrees in both directions
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DW333K-QS Jigsaw 701 Watt - Body Grip

2E86E8C5B-5F66-41A7-B731-69B879241235B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEHeavy Duty Reciprocating Saw Variable SpeedDW311K-QS47018.799999.0000Keyless stainless steel blade clamp for quick and easy blade changes and increased reliability
0-2,600 SPM and 28 mm stroke length for fast and efficient cutting
1200 Watt motor delivers increased power for heavy duty applications
Orbital action delivers fast cutting in wood applications
Keyless adjustable shoe easily adjusts depth of cut and extends the blade life
Variable speed control dial matches the correct speed for the application for increased versatility and control
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DW311K-QS Heavy Duty Reciprocating Saw Variable Speed

21F29E1D7-98C1-4650-9445-2CA0E5E74B6FB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEHand Held Wet Tile SawDWC410-QS42988.799999.0000Quick release for both bevel and depth adjustments minimising down time
Easily accessible brushes for quick and easy servicing
Water line and adjustable nozzle feeds water to the blade decreasing dust and increasing blade performance and life
Bevels to 45 degrees for quick angled cuts
Lock-on button reduces fatigue during production cuts
Height adjustable shoe allows user to cut at various depths
Premium 110 mm diameter continuous rim blade allows the user to cut a variety of different materials from ceramics to concrete up to 34 mm deep - wet or dry
1300 W motor delivers the cutting power to cut through granite, porcelain, concrete and other stone materials
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DWC410-QS Hand Held Wet Tile Saw

27A3E6E53-FC51-4192-B830-A259C0037949B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEHeavy Duty Saw HorseDE7035-XJ43935.3699999.0000Outstanding size and weight only 7kgs for easy transportation
Versatile and durable under load
Portable and easy to carry to site
Easy to use when setting up and packing away
Easy to store and move as pairs
Application versatility for Material support and storage and also use with mitre Saws and plunge saws
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DE7035-XJ Heavy Duty Saw Horse

2E53C62BF-A311-4855-8D29-78085880D65BB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEPortable Table Saw 610mmDW745-QS416729.7199999.0000Cast table top design ensures accuracy and precision
Quick bevel lock with large scale for easy, accurate adjustments.
Overload protection system ensures powerful performance in hard, wet or frozen woods
Powerful 1850 Watt motor for high performance in all applications (1300 Watts 110 version for UK Only)
Rack and pinion fence system, front and rear fence lock and large, clear scales combine to give an extremely accurate and easy to use saw
22kg unit weight and optimised footprint make this the most portable saw in its class
Steel roll cage protects saw against jobsite drops and impacts
Fence system provides 610 mm of rip capacity in a portable design for cutting large sheet materials to size
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DW745-QS Portable Table Saw 610mm

2052743B7-186F-4302-8C4F-2DA7AA6B4209B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDETable Saw Rolling StandDE7400-XJ47250.0899999.0000Stand design allows portability when the table saw is attached to the stand which increases productivity
Lightweight aluminium construction which improves the portability
Heavy-Duty kick stand allows the stand to balance upright for mobility and storage
Folding legs with quick release levers which retract under the stand in a few seconds for easy and quick transport
Large Heavy-Duty wheels designed to easily roll over steps, kerbs, and jobsite debris
Retractable soft grip handle slides out allowing the user to pull the saw behind him comfortably
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DE7400-XJ Table Saw Rolling Stand

2523589DF-5A78-44A1-BD09-0F5989DD261DB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDETable Saw StandDE7450-XJ45393.2999999.0000Collapsible format and detachable legs for easy transportation
Detachable leg extensions for different saw heights
Stand for DW745
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DE7450-XJ Table Saw Stand

247D22B54-1F38-4D76-A2B1-85F11248DE80B1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDE300mm 2000 Watt 507mm Radial Arm SawDW721KN-QS4104975.6899999.0000Free standing radial arm saw with 507mm of crosscut capacity and 90 mm depth of cut
Standard equipment includes large Dust Shroud with 4" outlet
Solid cast Iron arm and four roller bearings in the motor head assembly ensure high accuracy and durability
Simple yet positive controls and adjustment scales enable the width, depth and angle of cut to be set with accuracy in seconds
Quiet maintenance free induction motor delivers high power even at the maximum cutting capacities of the machine. Also available in three phase voltage as a DW722KN
Strengthened column assembly and base arrangement supports the extra arm length
Pre-assembled and adjusted, delivered in a wooden crate for maximum transportation protection
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DW721KN-QS 300mm 2000 Watt 507mm Radial Arm Saw

2185F6E61-E96C-46FF-BD71-8CB2B74CEA7AB1BF2B47-4FEB-4C19-B2D2-BE77F2B3BCDEDeWALT 54V FV Chainsaw BareDCM575N-XJ46498.799999.000040cm Bar and Chain
High efficiency Brushless Motor, delivers up to (65) 6x6” cuts per charge on a 18/54V 3Ah/9Ah battery
Automatic oiling for reduced maintenance
Tool free bar fitment and chain tensioning for fast chain adjustments
Variable speed trigger so no pull starting is required together with improved control during cutting
Chain Speed of 15 m/s
Extensive overmould handle for extra grip and comfort in prolonged use
Supplied as a bare unit (Battery & Charger not included)
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DCM575N-XJ DeWALT 54V FV Chainsaw Bare

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