We offer a range of thermal solutions for building diagnostics, electrical, industrial, mechanical/automotive, HVAC, and Utility applications.
2D71EB2C1-DD5E-4C09-8943-9F24B8EB9B267D145CD9-6E20-4529-B635-729BCF826485D25DA2F2-9EB1-40A6-A8AB-7488B0F6ADFAHIKMICRO Handheld Thermal CameraEco-V317148.421.0000Key Features
Thermal resolution: 96 × 96 (9,216 pixels)
112:1 Distance to spot ratio (D:S)
SuperIR: 240 × 240 (57,600 pixels)
NETD: < 50 mK (@ 25°C, F# = 1.0)
Measurement presets: center spot, hot spot, cold spot, off